The Smart Choice When You Need an Injury Attorney

La Mesa Car Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident in La Mesa that was not your fault, you need the guidance of an experienced personal injury attorney. The La Mesa personal injury attorneys at James S. Iagmin, understand the challenges you’re facing and has more than twenty years of experience successfully representing car accident victims in La Mesa and throughout Southern California.  

Contact our La Mesa car accident lawyer today to schedule your free consultation to discuss your case. We will answer your questions and help you determine your options and next steps. 

Safeguarding Your Legal Rights After La Mesa Car Accident

Your immediate focus following a car accident should be on health and safety. If you or anyone else involved in the accident are injured, call emergency services right away and move to a safe location away from traffic if possible.

Once you and the other persons involved in the accident are out of harm’s way and have addressed any injuries, it would be helpful to take these steps:

  1. Document the scene with photos of the collision site, your injuries, and vehicle damage.
  2. Write down everything you can remember about the accident as soon as possible and draw a sketch of the scene. Include the direction each person was traveling and any other details that seem significant.
  3. Even if you believe you did not suffer a significant injury, get checked out by a medical professional who can document your physical and emotional responses to the accident.
  4. Maintain records of all medical bills, repair costs, lost wages, and related expenses.
  5. Obtain the official Traffic Collision Report from the appropriate law enforcement agency, regardless of its conclusions.

You should avoid admitting fault or signing any documents, especially from insurance companies, until you speak with an experienced La Mesa car accident attorney. Insurers often try to take advantage of victims who are unaware of their rights, to minimize payouts or reject claims altogether.

Understanding California’s Auto Accident Laws

California law allows injured drivers, passengers, and possibly families of those hurt or killed in car accidents to pursue legal action against the responsible parties.

Establishing liability typically requires proving another driver was at fault for the accident. Being liable for the accident does not mean that the person intentionally did anything wrong. It only means that they were negligent in some way that caused your damages.  

Non-driver factors also contribute to accidents. Hazardous road conditions, poorly marked construction zones, debris on roadways, and more can cause a crash. 

It is important to remember California’s statute of limitation laws. For most personal injury claims you have two years to file. However, if you bring a claim against a government entity – such as the California Department of Transportation – you only have six months to do so. It is best to seek the advice and guidance of an experienced car accident lawyer as soon as possible when filing a claim. 

Potential Compensation in Auto Accident Lawsuits

The type and severity of your injuries greatly determine the damages you may recover. Some common types of damages recoverable in car accident cases include:

  • Current and future pain, suffering, mental distress, and physical injuries
  • Past and anticipated medical and hospital expenses
  • Lost earnings and reduced earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Punitive damages for extreme misconduct
  • Wrongful death compensation in fatal cases

Note that in the event a loved one has passed due to an injury from a car accident, reach out to our La Mesa wrongful death lawyer to fight for the compensation you deserve.

California’s comparative negligence law allows you to receive compensation for your injuries even if you’re partially at fault.

Contact an Experienced La Mesa Car Accident Lawyer

If you are looking for a skillful, experienced, successful car accident lawyer in La Mesa, California, contact James S. Iagmin, today. Jim has over 20 years of experience representing car accident victims in La Mesa and Southern California.

You don’t deserve to face the physical, emotional, and financial hardships caused by someone else’s negligence alone. Schedule your free consultation with James Iagman today. He will work tirelessly to ensure you are fully compensated for damages.