The Smart Choice When You Need an Injury Attorney


Personal Injury Case FAQ

Personal injury lawsuits typically proceed through distinct steps, which begin at the time of the injury.  The terminology and procedure, however, can seem confusing to those without experience in the courtroom. So for that reason, we put together a Personal Injury Case FAQ based on…

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San Diego Sports Injury Lawyer

A common issue in sports injury claims is consent.  People who play sports should know the risks inherent to the sport.  For example, people who play football should expect that they may collide with other players.  However, some sports injuries happen outside the game’s normal…

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How To Win Your Personal Injury Case: 10 Ways to Maximize Your Recovery.

There is no way to guarantee results in a personal injury case, and every case is different.  However, you can achieve the best possible results in your case by following these tips: 1) Take photographs of the accident and the injuries.  Photos and videos can…

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Need a Personal Injury Lawyer? Don’t Hire a Settlement Mill

If you get injured in an accident, you may decide to hire a personal injury lawyer.  However, not all lawyers are the same — especially those who work for a settlement mill.  The lawyer you choose may be a major factor in how much money…

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Dangers of Driving on Medication

Most people wouldn’t consider driving drunk because they know it is dangerous and illegal.  However, many of the same people don’t think twice about driving on medications because they are unaware of the danger. A recent AAA survey reported that nearly 50% of drivers drove…

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Why We Need Personal Injury Lawyers

You may think personal injury lawyers are greedy sharks who go around suing people into oblivion to make themselves rich.  In most cases, this is not true.  On the contrary, the vast majority of personal injury lawyers are honest, empathetic, hardworking people who are eager…

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