The Smart Choice When You Need an Injury Attorney


Drone Liability

More people than ever are using drones as they become better built and more affordable. Drones are commonly used by recreational flyers for aerial photography and racing. Drone photography enables amateur photographers to create striking aerial photos and videos without the need for professional training…

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E-bike Accidents

San Diego has seen a surge of electric bikes on the streets and sidewalks.  Electric bikes are different from regular bicycles in that they have a motor, battery to power the motor, drive train to integrate the motor, and a throttle to control power.  E-bikes…

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Cyclist Safety in San Diego

More people are driving distracted today than ever because of the use of cell phones.  This makes the roadways particularly dangerous for cyclists.  The most dangerous intersections in San Diego (based on number of accidents) do not have bike lanes.  As such, many neighborhoods in…

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Safety Issues in the Trucking Industry

Truck driving is considered one of the most dangerous jobs in the country.  There are numerous safety issues in the trucking industry. The biggest danger facing truck drivers is driving distracted or tired.  Truck drivers are paid by the mile and are subject to tight…

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Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you were injured in an accident, you are likely evaluating your legal options and wondering if you will be compensated for your injuries.  The first step is to determine whether you have a valid personal injury claim.  There are essentially three components to a…

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