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I’d strongly recommend Jim and his team. Riding on the back of a motorcycle, a car pulled out from a stop sign and hit us. We found Jim Iagmin through another motorcycle rider. Jim and his team were great to work with. They helped me get to excellent doctors who were able to explain my injuries and what kind of care I would need in the future. The insurance company low-balled us at first. We filed a lawsuit and several months later, the insurance company offered me the policy limits.
Ashley / Client
I was more than pleased with our results. I was hurt while a passenger in a friend’s car. A friend referred me to Jim Iagmin. It was the best call I ever made. From our first phone call Jim put me at ease. He explained what would be involved with my case. Jim and his team helped me through claims against the at-fault driver, the vehicle owner, and my friend’s. Under insured motorist insurance. They made the process quick and easy. I was more than pleased with our results. Jim and his team were excellent communicators through phone calls and e-mails. They gave me regular updates and checked on how I was doing with my injuries. They were so kind and reassuring. I highly recommend Jim Iagmin and his team to anyone hurt in a crash.
Barbara / Client
Outstanding Experience My personal experience with an auto injury and its recovery has been ongoing. Attorney, doctors, pain and loss of normal routine lifestyle has been affected. In searching for legal representative, I was fortunate to be referred to Mr. James S. Iagmin, LLC. James remarkable loyalty, understanding and experience always gave me comfort. Even during difficult times with emotional depositions and sadness, I learned and added to my knowledge of the legal proceedings. With this support and Jim's team, I successfully was awarded what I felt was an excellent outcome. I am able to move on. Mr. Iagmin is a wonderful, skillful personal injury attorney, I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone.
Dr. Barbara Young / Client
Jim and his team were caring, responsive, and very helpful Jim Iagmin and his team were fantastic to work with. I was hurt when we were hit by a driver who pulled in front of us. Jim and his team helped us obtain the insurance policy limits from the at-fault driver and a notable settlement for us through under-insured motorist insurance. Jim and his team were caring, responsive, and very helpful through the process. I highly recommend Jim!
Laurie Tilley / Client
Dedicated and responsive Jim Iagmin and his team were great to work with. I was hit by a drunk driver and unsure what to do next. Jim helped us obtain the insurance policy limits from the drunk driver and from my under-insured motorist insurance. Jim convinced the hospital to waive its reimbursement claim, which was a real benefit to me. They were dedicated and responsive and really helpful through the process. I strongly recommend Jim and his team!
Cindy / Client
They treated me like family Jim Iagmin and his team were great! I suffered a back injury following a car crash on the freeway. Mr. Iagmin and Ms. Bouslaugh made a claim and, when one of the insurance companies would not pay, they filed a lawsuit. They took their time and care every step of the way and took all of the stress I anticipated out of the lawsuit. They treated me like family throughout the process and we received a great settlement. I highly recommend Mr. Iagmin and his team to anyone with a serious injury case.
Jackie Rivera / Client
I strongly recommend Jim and his firm Jim Iagmin and his team were great. I suffered a back injury from being rear-ended. I didn’t know what to do. Jim understood what I was going through and helped me find a great doctor. At first, the insurance company didn’t want to treat me fairly and we filed a lawsuit. Jim and his team kept in touch, prepared me, and made the process easy to understand. Soon after we filed the lawsuit, the insurance company paid the policy limits. I strongly recommend Jim and his firm to anyone hurt in a car accident.
Kevin / Client
A wonderful, skillful personal injury attorney My personal experience with an auto injury and its recovery has been on going. Attorney, doctors, pain and loss of normal, routine lifestyle has been affected. In searching for a legal representative, I was fortunate to be referred to Mr. James S. Iagmin, LLC. James remarkable loyalty, understanding and experience always gave me comfort. Even during difficult times with emotional depositions and sadness, I learned and added to my knowledge of the legal proceedings. With this support and Jim's team, I successfully was awarded what I felt was an excellent outcome. I am able to move on. Mr. Iagmin is a wonderful, skillful personal injury attorney, I would recommend to anyone.
Barbara Young / Client
Mr. Iagmin and his team were friendly, knowledgeable, and easy to work with. Jim Iagmin and his team were great. I suffered a badly broken leg in a motorcycle crash. Even though the police report found me at fault, Mr. Iagmin settled the case for the insurance policy limits. Mr. Iagmin and his team were friendly, knowledgeable, and easy to work with. I highly recommend Mr. Iagmin and his firm to anyone hurt in a motorcycle crash.
Nathan / Client
Jim Iagmin and his team were great! I suffered a very serious abdominal injury in a car crash. I hired Mr. Iagmin and his team after my previous attorneys did not work out (they were very impersonal and high volume). Mr. Iagmin and his team expertly prepared our case for trial and, as a result, I received an excellent settlement. Mr. Iagmin and team are highly professional, intelligent, and compassionate. They went out of their way to find a medical specialist to help me with my ongoing accident-related health issues. I highly recommend Mr. Iagmin and his firm.
Todd / Client
Easy to work and a really great guy. I suffered serious injuries when I was hit by a distracted driver, who ran off the road. Unsure of what to do, I called a friend who’s an attorney to see if he had any advice. He recommended working with Jim Iagmin, and told me that if his wife were in a similar situation, that is who he would hire. I am so glad I took his advice! Jim Iagmin literally did all the work, and I received an excellent settlement. I highly recommend Mr. Iagmin and his firm. Not only is he a top shelf attorney, he is easy to work and a really great guy.
E.M. / Client
His team was extremely friendly and I felt comfortable Jim Iagmin and his team were great! I suffered a serious hand injury when a piece of a hotel’s chandelier fell at my high school dance. Mr. Iagmin guided us through hard fought litigation and we received an excellent settlement. His team was extremely friendly and I felt comfortable the entire time through the process. I highly recommend Mr. Iagmin and his firm.
Riley / Client