Sexual Assault Attorney San Diego

Sexual Assault Attorney San Diego

We are here to support victims of sexual assault and abuse with compassionate advocacy.  The law entitles victims of sexual assault and other non-consensual sexual activities to compensation for their suffering.  We are experts at taking the appropriate steps to hold perpetrators accountable and achieve the best possible results for our clients.

What Constitutes Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is a broad term which encompasses any unwanted touching of a person’s intimate parts.  Under California law, any unwanted touching of a person’s genitals, groin, anus, buttocks, or breast likely qualifies as a sex crime.  Sexual assault includes rape, sexual threats and intimidation, incest, child sex abuse, church sex abuse, human sex trafficking and other non-consensual sexual activity.  Many sex crimes involve physical contact, but others such as stalking, and voyeurism do not.

Stalking is characterized by a pattern of unwanted following or harassment with the intent to cause fear or discomfort.  It may involve repeatedly showing up at a person’s home or place of business, making threatening phone calls or emails, vandalism and/or written messages.

Voyeurism is characterized by observing someone engaged in a private act without that person’s consent. In other words, voyeurism is an invasion of a person’s privacy in a location where they would normally expect privacy.  Voyeurism may involve peeking through a door or window, and/or using a device to peek through a hole or opening.

Who Is Liable for Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is a crime.  However, victims do not have to wait for criminal charges to be filed in order to seek justice.  The law provides civil remedies to victims of sexual assault and other sex crimes for their physical pain and suffering, mental and emotional trauma, lost wages, medical expenses and other damages.  Victims are entitled to compensation from the perpetrator of the crime and also from other at-fault parties such as employers, nursing homes, churches, healthcare facilities, jails, day cares, churches, schools and other organizations.

School Sexual Abuse – A young lady was seduced by her high school teacher. The teacher’s co-workers failed to report their suspicions about the affair.  SETTLEMENT – $1,250,000

What to Do If You Were A Victim of Sexual Assault

Here are some practical steps you can take to protect your legal rights if you were a victim of sexual assault:

  • Call the police and make a police report. Sexual assault is a crime.
  • Record everything you remember about the incident and the perpetrator.
  • Seek immediate medical attention for your injuries.
  • Take photos of your injuries.
  • Keep accurate records of the event and all medical treatment received.
  • Contact a top personal injury lawyer without delay.

How We Can Help You

James Iagmin has been providing compassionate advocacy for his clients since 1997.  Jim is known by his clients and fellow lawyers for being an outstanding attorney and also for being kind, compassionate and intelligent.  Jim has a proven track record of achieving the best possible results for his clients and has received a number of honors and awards for his skills as a lawyer.  Jim is recognized as a leader among personal injury attorneys and served as the President of the Consumer Attorneys of San Diego.

Our attorneys at Williams Iagmin, LLP have experience discussing sensitive issues with our clients and are committed to ensuring that each client receives due attention and care.  We are a small law firm and take pride in giving each of our clients the prioritization they deserve.

Schedule a complimentary strategy session with a compassionate sexual assault attorney in San Diego

If you would like to meet with an experienced sexual assault attorney in San Diego, please call us today or complete this form to schedule a complimentary strategy session.  You will have the opportunity to meet with one of our attorneys and learn legal strategies which may help you get the outcome you want.  You will receive a well written summary of the facts of your case for free.  Do not delay, as you may lose valuable legal rights by doing so.